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Welcome to the Lower Saxony Self-Help Advice Centre

Are you looking for information about self-help groups?
Would you like to join a support group?
Do you want to start a support group?
Do you have a professional interest in the topic “self-help”?

On this website you will find information about self-help in Lower Saxony.

  • If you are interested in general information about self-help groups, you can find them under the “Self-Help Groups” button.
  • If you are looking for a Self-Help Advice Centre in your area, click on the button “Self-Help Centres”.
  • Do you want to know if there are national self-help organizations on your topic? Click the “Self-Help Organizations” button to begin your search.
  • If you are looking for a self-help group on a specific topic, click on the “Self-Help Topic” button.

On the left of our page keywords guide you to more detailed information.  At the bottom of the page you will find links to other self-help projects.




Studie zu Angehörigen krebskranker Menschen: Großer Wunsch nach Austausch mit anderen Angehörigen

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Die NAKOS initiierte im September 2022 die Gründung der bundesweiten Fachgruppe Junge Selbsthilfe, um den fachlichen Austausch in der Selbsthilfeunterstützung zur Jungen Selbsthilfe – auch über die...

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